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B i o g r a p h y

Thomas Grillo is a classically trained professional musician who started playing the violin at age 7, and went on to play the flute, and sing in highschool marching and concert bands in the 70s, and early 80s, as well as singing with the Gulf Coast Opera Chorus in the early 80s, the Magnolia chorus barbershop socity, and the Mississippi Opera Chorus in Jackson, Mississippi from the mid 80s to he mid 2000s. In 2006, Thomas Grillo went on to play the theremin, and has produced theremin scores for indie films such as Golgotha by Karla Davis, Murderabilia by Michael Usry, as well as performin live for events such as Ethermusic 2008 at Asheville, NC, Museum of Art in New Orleans, LA in 2009, as well as Hands Off 2011 in Scarborough, UK.​

Theremin lessons are provided live, in person or via skype for $25 per session. This is a great alternative for thoe looking for theremin lessons, but don't have access to instructors due to distance and location. Requrements are: Good relative pitch, or perfect pitch (must not be tone-deaf), prior musical experience, and massive amounts of patience.


Theremin upgrade of the Moog Music Etherwave Standard theremin is performed by installing Thierry Frenkel's ESPE01 theremin enhancement module. Install fee is $40 (not including cost of module / shipping of theremin both ways).


Live performances are available. Away gigs outside my city require coverage of transportation, lodging, food, ect, as well as the performance fee.


Recorded performances can be provided for motion picture, or theatrical productions. Fees are negotiable.


Please email me for details.



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